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Writer: Skin WorthySkin Worthy

This question slides into our Instagram DM’s multiple times daily. We also get calls all the time asking for a quick quote for various enchantments. Here’s the issue on us answering this quickly without seeing you…… varies, GREATLY!

We can sometimes give generalizations such as cheeks may require 1 syringe per side to start, jawline filler can take from 2-6 syringes, tear troughs you should expect starting with half a syringe per side and then waiting 2-3 months to see if you want more. 

This patient has had a total amount of 5.5 syringes of Dermal Filler along with Botox and a HALO & Forever Young BBL treatment

So if you have the 1 quick question on how many syringes you will need , we will have about 10 questions we need to ask in return, to provide an accurate answer. These may include:

  • your age and more specifically the phase of aging you are in 

  • the integrity of surrounding structures that may impact your main area of concern

  • your tissue strength, thickness and it’s laxity 

  • the volume loss you have experienced (in bone, muscle, fat pads)

  • the decent and increase of size of your superficial fat pads

  • your bone structure (is it strong or weak?)

  • your tissue density 

  • your muscular activity and how it affects surrounding tissues (perhaps that asymmetry you want to correct is not as straightforward as “a little bit of filler “)

  • do you currently have dermal fillers? (sometimes less is required if you already have properly placed fillers) 

  • if you have dermal filler already, is it helping by lifting your tissue or making it worse by weighing it down?

  • your medical history and lifestyle as these can affect your candidacy and outcomes - smoking and sun exposure may mean less collagen and elastin, which may mean more filler needed in addition to combination therapy for best natural outcomes

  • are we sure it's actually dermal filler you require to address your concern, perhaps this is an easy fix with Botox or another treatment that may be required first?

These questions are a few that quickly come to mind when I am asked about a procedure by someone who I have never assessed in person or know of their medical history. Based on a physical and in depth examination, actually touching your tissues, watching them move, and knowing your history I can’t give you a fair answer, but instead it will be more of a guess or a range. 

One theory I have heard said by many practitioners on the amount of fillers required by a person could be based on age.  Starting in our mid 30’s we begin to lose approximately 1cc of volume in the facial area per year. Because of this, most patients require 1 syringe of filler per decade of life. So, for a full correction at 40 years old, you would need about 4 syringes. 50 years old? You’ll need about 5 syringes of filler, and so forth.


This patient has had 8 syringes of Dermal Filler and a HALO laser treatment

In all the years of my practice I have seen such variability in the amount of filler my patients have required. I have had patients in their late 20’s who have required 10 syringes to achieve their goals of a lifted cheek, refreshed tear trough, and a natural lip, to women in their early 40’s only requiring 4 to achieve the same, to a woman in her 50’s who wants a very natural, and global improvement of her whole face requiring 16 syringes.

I have done lips where a patient has a tiny tiny lip, with tight tissue see nice improvement from a half syringe, and has chosen to build it up in stages to where she finally was happy with a final amount of 2.5 syringes, to patients having 1 syringe done, and feeling that they noticed no change after. 


This patient has had 6 syringes of Dermal Filler, Botox and a Forever Young BBL treatment

How Much Dermal Filler is In 1 Syringe?

The majority of dermal fillers are made from Hyaluronic Acid and contain 1cc per syringe. Keep in mind that this means that there is only 1/5 of a teaspoon of filler in that 1cc syringe! This means that it takes FIVE full syringes to make a up a single teaspoon of filler.

There’s an immediate hydrating effect because hyaluronic acid is so good at grabbing water to itself. But there’s also a delayed effect, a slight inflammation that stimulates your collagen-producing cells, so that perhaps after a couple treatments, you don’t need filler anymore. Also what you see immediately after your treatment is not the true result, you have swelling. This swelling peaks for the first 4 days and at minimum it takes 2 full weeks to integrate into tissue to start showing a true result. We get so many panicked calls that the filler is gone after 4 days and 2 weeks. This is not the case, the swelling has gone down, and now your filler has settled into the tissues where it will stay for months. Now, if you like the way it looked immediately after this means you may need to get another treatment with the same amount to achieve that.

This patient has had 8 syringes of Dermal Filler, Botox and a HALO laser treatment

It is important to remember how much filler is actually in a syringe when thinking about how much you will need to treat the areas you are concerned with so that you are not disappointed with the outcome of your treatment. For most people, treatment with 1 syringe in 1 specific area will be a subtle enhancement, which can be great for younger patients looking to maintain their appearance or those who do not want to see a lot of change.

Here's what needs to happen if you really want a good idea of what your requirements are to achieve your goals:

Come in for a complimentary consultation. We are all about education, relationships and natural results here at Skin Worthy. Those are the pillars of our business and how we practice. 

Our lovely receptionist Naanafya has a total of 13 syringes of Dermal Filler and has also had Botox, Belkyra and a V2 Beauty Booster treatment

Without assessment we can’t give a proper quote, without education you won't understand what to expect, without us understanding your goals we can’t appropriately help you achieve them. 

Finally natural results, this is why patients  choose us, we believe in starting slow, our patients outcomes speak for themselves. Sometimes you may feel that our assessment is high in what we recommend, but believe us when we say we don’t want our patients walking around saying they had work done by us that doesn’t look natural, because again…. natural results are a core value of ours here. 

Looking forward to meeting you and building a custom treatment plan that makes you feel excited, involved and educated about your future filler treatments!


call Skin Worthy 647-960-7546 to book your consultation today!

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