Fall is the New Year in Aesthetics! This is when we get back into our routines and schedules and undo our summer skin sins and get to work on our aesthetics goals. It’s also the season of scarves, turtle necks and cozy, layered looks. This is why double chin, loose skin, and neck treatments become the primary treatment for most patients.
Anatomy review :
The submittal area aka "double chin", neck and décolleté.

Layer 5 : Bone
Supported by our jaw, mandible, and chin as the main support for all tissues. These bones recess back, get thinner, and become less of a scaffold, hence tissues become saggy and loose.
Solution: Hyaluronic acid or Radiesse to give structure to the bone again, allowing the tissue to have sufficient tension and re-drape.

Layer 4 : Deep Fat
The fat pad below the muscles of the neck. Solution: This area is not accessible non-surgically.

Layer 3 : Muscles
Platysmal bands pull the tissues of the jawline down, bulge when flexed and become more exposed with the aging process, and tung thin creamy skin making it appear wavy and irregular

Solution : Jawline Tox, Platysmal Band Tox , Neck Tox

Layer 2 : Superficial Submental Fat
These fat pads get larger with age and weight gain causing them to create a saggy appearance especially as skin becomes thinner and less elastic with age.
Solution :
Belkyra : dissolves fat and is very customizable as this is an injectable. 2-4 treatments are required on average.
Cool Sculpting: freezes fat and contours jawline. 2-4 treatments are required on average.
Morpheus 8 : destroys fat and tightens skin. 3 treatments are required on average.
Evoke : tightens skin and kills fat. 6-8 treatments required, spaced 1 week apart. This is the most comfortable and non-invasive treatment available.
Layer 1 : Skin

Skin loses 1 % of collagen production annually. Loss of elastin and hyaluronic acid, results in thinning, loose, dehydrated skin. sun spots and redness from summer exposure adds to aged appearance. less blood supply /circulation starts to advance the aging process and is the most neglected skin on the upper body.
Solution : Skinergy solutions
Glow Getter: Lasers and light therapy to stimulate collagen and elastin production, remove redness and brown pigment in the skin.
Neck Worthy : Reintroduce hyaluronic acid mesh network with multiple vitamins, and amino acids to boost skin hydration and thickness. soften necklace bands by providing structural support to areas of skin weakness with HA injection.
How long will it take to see results?
Patients start these treatments early is that they take time. Fat destruction on the quickest timeline will be 1 month to see a result, and will require multiple sessions as Cool Sculpting for example reduced the local fat in the area by 20%, multiple treatments will be required in a larger fat pad to get to a desired result. The collagen, elastin rebuilding process is also slow and needs to be re-triggered multiple times for optimal results. this process takes 2 months before any notable results can be seen, but more often 4-6 months is when they peak. Other treatments where botox and hyaluronic acid fillers are used are more immediate from seeing results as soon as 2 weeks after treatment.
How do I decide which treatments I need?
Depending on your concern and goal, at Skin Worthy we look at the layer that needs to be addressed. often patients are concerned about multiple layers such as weak bone structure, fat and skin. Other times it is how muscle tugs skin causing a rippled appearance. Whatever the concern or goal is, at Skin Worthy we offer multiple comprehensive solutions to achieve natural-looking, elevated results.
Ready to learn more? Click here or call or text 657-350-7546 to book your 54321 consultation with Nurse Barb and Dr. Hemsworth.