People loose hair for a variety of reasons. These can include but are not limited to childbirth, stress, diet, medications and genetics. Hair shedding is a totally normal part of everyday life, for both men and women. In fact, the Canadian Dermatology Association says that we loose between 50 and 100 strands a day. However, if you've noticed that you have to do extra vacuuming, unclog your sink more often or clean your brush every other day, you might be experiencing hair loss.
Another beneficial use for PRP is the treatment of thinning hair. Anyone experiencing hair loss is essentially a good candidate for PRP treatments, but treating the problem in the early stages is optimal and carries a greater chance of seeing benefical results. PRP can help to stimulate the activity of the hair folices and promote new hair growth. The injected PRP will increase hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle.
The Process
Blood is extracted and the PRP is separated using a centrifuge. The plasma, that is rich in platelets, is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of the hair follicle. Many small injections are made beginning across the scalp, approximately at every centimetre over the area of thinning hair. Although the process is detailed, the entire procedure takes about a half hour to 45 minutes.
Though the thought of being poked with so many needles may be daunting, there's no real risk associated with PRP and most patients get injections without any numbing, as there is minimal discomfort. Ice packs may be used to minimize pain and in the event there is any discomfort post procedure, Tylenol may be taken. Bruising can occur but usually resolves within a week or two.
For best results, consistency is key. Typically treatments are perfomed once a month for the first three months, and then every three to six months thereafter, depending on your indiviudal results and needs. The first thing people tend to notice is a decrease in hair shedding, followed by early regrowth and increased length of hair. It is important to note that PRP is best used as part of a treatment plan for hair loss and will show better results when coupled with other treatments.
There is no activity restrictions after a PRP treatment. Patients may shower, shampoo, condition their hair normally several hours after the treatment and resume normal daily athletic activies. Some breif mild inflammation such as redness or pinkness and numbness of the scalp may be present for several hours. You should not perform any harsh chemical colouring or perming treatments for atleast 72 hours after the treatment. Use of topical hair growth treatments can resume the next day. Laser treatments can also be resumed the next day.
Who Can't Be Treated?
Different areas of the scalp may respond differently to PRP depending on the amount of weak hair follicles present in each area. Generally areas where severe depletion of follicles has occurred should not be treated. Most healthy individuals can easily undergo PRP treatments. Certain conditions like blood and platelet disorders, chronic liver disease, presence of an active severe infection, cardiovascular or hemodynamic instability and/or blood thinning medication would make PRP unsuitable. Recent steroid treatments and smoking are not recommended for PRP candidates and should be discussed prior to treatment.